Healing Crystals 7 Polished Engraved Stones to Balance Chakras Holistic Health Care Products - B00URNT8ZS

Healing Crystals 7 Polished Engraved Stones to Balance Chakras Holistic Health Care Products - B00URNT8ZS

Product Code:B00URNT8ZS
Availability:In Stock
Price: $135.17 $26.33


  • Healing crystals engraved with Chakra symbols for easy reference during holistic treatment. Includes stones for Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacrum and Root; the seven power points in the human body that circulate Prana

  • Each spiritual healing stone has a specific color and psychic vibration, emitting positive energy to attune and cleanse your aura.

  • Easy to travel with. Carry as an amulet in your pocket, purse or pouch.

  • The metaphysical sensation you feel when you hold them in your hand is normal. Ideal runes for daily meditations and mindfulness. Use with yoga music, herbs, aromatherapy and candles.

  • Return Is Not Accepted After 48 Hours Of Delivery

  • Engraved Small size about 3/4 inch 7 different colors The seven Chakra stones are Amethyst, Lapis, Blue Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Yellow Aventurine, Peach Aventurine, and Red Jasper. Amethyst--Sahasrara(Or Crown Chakra)is engraved Thousand Petaled Lotus,Sahasrara's inner aspect deals with the release of karma,physical action with meditation,mental action with universal consciousness and unity,and emotional action with "beingness". Clear Crystal--Ajna(Or Third-Eye Chakra)is symbolised by a lotus with two petals.Physically,Ajna's key issues involve balancing the higher and lower selves trusting inner guidance.Mentally,Ajna deals with visual consciousness. Lazuli Lapis--Vishuddha(Or Throat Chakra)means especially pure,Physically,Vishuddha governs communication.Mentally,it governs fluent thought and sense of security. Green Aventurine--Anahata(Or Heart Chakra)is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve green petals called the heartmind.Key issues involving Anahata involve complex,compassion,tenderness,unconditional love,equilibrium,rejection and well-being.Physically Anahata governs circulation,Mentally it governs passion,and spiritually it governs devotion. Yellow Jasper--Manipura(Or Solar plexus/navel chakra)is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals,Key issues governed by Manipura are issues of personal power,anxiety,introversion,and transition from simple or base emotions to complex.The key issues involving Svadhishthana are relationships,violence,addictions,basic emotional needs and pleasure.Physically,Svadhishthana governs reproduction,mentally it governs creativity. Red Jasper--Muladhara(Or Root Chakra)is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and the color red.This center is located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region.Physically,Muladhara governs sexuality.Mentally it governs stability.

    Healing Crystals 7 Polished Engraved Stones to Balance Chakras Holistic Health Care Products - B00URNT8ZS